Saturday, September 19, 2009

Bathroom Reno?

Looks like the 1965 bathroom is nearing the end of it's existence. Time to price out a bathroom renovation in Bala. No laughing here but, our only shower is outside, we call it the "Full Monty" as it is exposed to the elements (no privacy here). Maybe we will keep the outdoor shower going... but add a shower and tub inside.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Cottage Clean Up...

There is a spring clean up, then a weekly clean up, then the clean up that involves all of the missed items that gathered through the summer. Oh, and the items we purposely overlooked everyday... Looks like a van rental is around the corner, it's the only way we will be able to lug all of the items out.

Another Muskoka Summer Is Nearing An End!

Yet another season is nearly over. May the countdown to next summer's heat and dock life begin!